Telekomatrix Blog


Creating a Kubernetes Cluster using Kubeadm

Creating a kubernetes cluster using kubeadm 1.26.0

Tom Cruise

Creating a Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm version 1.26.0-00

In this blog, you wil learn how to create a single head kubernetes cluster using kubeadm. It is community-supported independent tool. It is mainly to become the primary tool to build a Kubernetes cluster.  The kubeadm is a tool that helps you to create a single host or multiple host Kubernetes cluster in your on-premises or cloud environments.

OS: Mac/Linux(Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS)

RAM: Minimum 2GiB or more per system (Recommended 8GiB)

CPUs: 2Cpus on the machine

Dependency: CRI & Calico

Environment: Public or Private cloud/On-Premises/ LapTop/Macbook 


Log into the server and run the following commands with root mode.

# update and upgrade the system

$ apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y

and follows the instruction, select "yes" option during the package upgrades and make sure that all other dependencies are installed. i.e wget, curl, vim/nano.

$ apt install curl apt-transport-https vim git wget gnupg2  software-properties-common lsb-release ca-certifictes uidmap -y

To run the kubernetes cluster, you need the container environment such as containerd, cri-o and Docker on older clusters. we are using containerd which is commonly used by our community and cloud providers.

Install the kubeadm 

$ apt-mark unhold kubeadm kubelet kubectl

$ apt-get install -y kubeadm=1.26.0-00 

$ apt-mark hold kubeadm 

Drain the node(CP) using kubectl

$kubectl drain node <control_plane-node_name> 

$kubeadm upgrade plan

$ kubeadm upgrade apply 1.26.0-00